How To Get Popular on TikTok as a Content Creator!

Profile photo ofCarolyn Howell, author

Carolyn Howell

Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024

TikTok Growth

Want More Real Tiktok Followers?

It’s like high school all over again. Everyone wants to know how to get famous on the Internet. For example, people want to know how to get popular on TikTok. They see other people making a living from creating content. They want to do it too. 

You are reading this article to learn how to gain popularity. Fortunately, you are in the right place. Read this article for tips on how to become popular on TikTok!

A woman speaks while looking at her laptop.

Reasons To Get Famous on TikTok

Do you think people want to be TikTok-famous just for bragging rights? Well, some of them do. It is an accomplishment to gain on the Internet. However, the reason for wanting bigger numbers is bigger than that.

People want to know how to get big on TikTok for practical reasons. Let’s get into them.

More Brand Visibility

Marketing and advertising is a big part of growing your brand online. We aren’t talking about creating Google Ads to run throughout the Internet. If you want people to know you exist, having a social media presence on a platform is important.

TikTok is a great place to let people know you exist. People of all ages use that platform. You will publicly reach someone from your ideal target audience when you use TikTok. 

You may also access a demographic of people who don’t know what they would enjoy about your brand. Maintaining a social media presence increases the likelihood of this.

Financial Opportunities 

Content creators and influencers earn income from TikTok. They do so through earning from video views. Or, they benefit from the TikTok gifts that their fans send them. That is just what they get through TikTok. 

They also benefit from partnering with brands. These brands want a shortcut to their target audience. Advertising through commercials and flyers just doesn’t do it anymore. The new wave is using an influencer to promote your product. 

Of course, a brand would want to access the most potential customers as possible. They may gravitate towards influencers with popularity. Being popular on TikTok could be a bargaining chip with brands.

Now you see why people ask about how to get TikTok famous. Striving to get a popular video is much more than just a good feeling. With the right content strategy, you could change your life. 

TikTok Ideas To Get Famous Like Your Favorite Creator

Everyone has the potential to be famous on TikTok. They just need the right game plan. You might be doing a lot on TikTok, but none of it is the right thing to do. Here are a few TikTok ideas to get famous:

Join TikTok Challenges

We guarantee you that TikTok will face a challenge right now. It could be a dance challenge where people try to follow a routine. Or, it could be an innocent prank challenge where no one gets hurt (unless you count their ego).

When a TikTok challenge goes viral, people will look it up. You want them to find your video. If they like the video, they may go to your TikTok page. They could like the other content you uploaded as well. That one challenge video may have been the gateway they needed to find you.

Be careful with challenges. There might be a wide disparity between the challenge and your general content. Maybe they like the content in the challenge but don’t care for the rest of your material. You may not see the turnaround that you want using this method.

Use Hashtags

Yes, we had to mention using TikTok hashtags to increase your brand’s popularity. It’s worked for so many creators before you, and it is going to work for you as well if you use the right hashtag formula for your videos.

You can’t just use popular hashtags and expect your videos to get popular. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. You also have to mix in niche and branded hashtags.

Consider using a hashtag generator if you can’t figure out these hashtags. This is one of those fancy creator tools that create hashtags for you. You simply have to share your original content with these powerful tools. They give you the most effective hashtags to use.

A man with sunglasses records himself speaking.

This Is How To Get Popular Creator Badge on TikTok

We understand why you would want this badge. It is a very good look for your TikTok brand. It makes more people want to gravitate towards your page. Your perceived popularity could lead you to more popularity. Isn’t that funny?

This is how to get the popular creator a badge on TikTok:

  1. Launch the TikTok app on your cell phone.
  2. Go to your Profile page.
  3. Select the Menu button at the top of the screen. It looks like horizontal lines.
  4. Choose Settings and privacy.
  5. Select Account.
  6. Tap Verification, then Start. From there, you follow the steps to submit our request for verification on TikTok.

Remember to submit supporting documentation explaining why you should receive such a badge. If you don’t receive approval, you can try again after 30 days. 

Many social media platforms offer opportunities for verification. It’s a great way to boost a brand’s notoriety.

How To Get Popular on TikTok Fast by Changing How You Use the Platform

We all want to learn how to grow fast on this platform. Gradual growth sounds good when you have time on your hands. But we don’t have that kind of time. 

Someone else is going viral on TikTok right now, and it should have been you! If there were short ways to become famous quickly, we likely would have tried them all.

Still, there are some steps to increase popularity very quickly. Keep reading for how to get popular on TikTok fast.

1. Join Popular Topics

There is always a popular topic on the internet. Maybe a celebrity is currently going viral for doing something stupid. 

Perhaps it is polarizing enough to create useful conversation. You need to add your two cents. Someone might be looking up information on the topic. Your video might come up in the search results.

Perhaps someone on the internet has already created a video with their opinions. You can stitch the video and give your personal opinion on the matter. Hopping on a viral topic also lets people get to know you. They will understand your stance and build a character profile.

You don’t have to give a popular opinion to attract more people. Sometimes, a controversial take could increase the interactions with your post. This engagement will attract even more people. 

Or, you can make a very ambiguous video. Don’t come down on a particular side in the end. Leave it to your followers to write comments. The extra engagement could boost visibility.

2. Use Trending Audio Clips

Musical artists use TikTok to help promote their music. When you hear a song consistently, TikTok prefers that song. It’s currently promoting the audio on the platform. 

Along with the song, the videos will be famous as well. This is where your wonderful, high-quality videos come in.

You can create a video from scratch. Or, you can repurpose old video clips that you’ve used before. Choose the ones with the highest video quality. Just do what you must to take advantage of a trending audio clip. 

It could be the video that lands you on the For You Page (also known as the For You Feed.) If you land here, users who have never heard of you can watch your video. Naturally, reaching new users is how to get TikTok TikTok famous.

3. Post Consistently

Engagement will propel you on this platform. Therefore, you must give your followers more opportunities to engage with your content. They can only like a video once. Yes, they can leave multiple comments. They can also give multiple video views. 

But how much will they truly have to say about one video? Give them more videos to talk about.

Share more videos on your TikTok account. Revive successful video clips with a different caption or text on the screen. Reply to comments with videos. Doing this allows you to keep the conversation going. Sometimes, a video response goes viral, not the original video. 

We aren’t sure why this is so. Perhaps the effortlessness of the video in response is why people gravitate towards it so much. Or it answers a question many people want to answer.

A woman sits on grass as she looks at her phone.

3 Best Practices To Go Viral on TikTok Using Captions

Of course, you want to increase the views on your videos. A high video view count also encourages others to watch the video. This is how social proof works.

So, how do you increase your views as a content creator? Well, the answer lies in your captions. People come to TikTok to watch videos. That doesn’t mean they don’t want to read as well. Your captions could help people watch your videos more. We will explain how.

1. Get Them To Watch the End of the Video

One person can watch a video multiple times. TikTok will count every view. It would be great if you could squeeze various opinions from one person. You may need to make the video run to the very end. There are several ways creators do this.

They may mention that something special happens at the end of the video. Here are some suggestions:

  1. “The last one surprised me.”
  2. “I didn’t expect that ending.”
  3. “That ending was crazy.”
  4. “I saved the best for last.”
  5. “Well, that took a turn.”
  6. “My favorite bit was at the end.”

The ending might be so good that the video starts to play again without them noticing. Then, they watch the video, hoping to see the ending again. Now, you have racked up multiple views on the same video.

The TikTok algorithm will view this favorably. It will notice that people are watching a video multiple times. It will think that the video might be pretty good. Then, TikTok will promote it to other TikTok users.

A man reviews content on his cell phone.

2. Tease Them With an Easter Egg

We already talked about the video’s ending. What about the middle? Think about your favorite movie. Directors and writers put Easter eggs in them all the time. When fans find out they exist, they watch the movie again. Think of your TikTok video as a tiny feature film.

Let viewers know you’ve included a small Easter egg in the video. Use your caption also to encourage them to comment when they see it. Your comment section is full of viewers who saw what you’re referring to. 

The viewers who did not see it may suffer from FOMO. To cure it, they will watch the video till they find it. Now, the TikTok algorithm will notice your content. It will allow others to enjoy the video.

3. Use a Call-To-Action

Sometimes people have something to say but forget. They just need a little push from the caption to get them talking. Do you want to get a conversation going? Kick it off with your caption.

It helps if you have a video that naturally generates comments. In the video, discuss several potential options. Ask your followers to pick one of these options. They will write their choice in the comment section.

The extra conversation could boost you in the algorithm. You don’t even have to ask a complicated question. Label options in the video. 

Then, have them write the corresponding answer in the comment section. This method is a great way to get people talking. You could even use a very outlandish option just to provoke a response.

The big content creators on TikTok use these methods all the time. Even when they get great engagement, they dabble with these tricks, too.

Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Popular on TikTok 

So many people want to know how to become popular on TikTok. The opportunities on the platform are clear. Do you have questions on the topic? Here are a few questions and answers on TikTok popularity:

How do I become a successful TikTok content creator?

To be a successful TikTok content creator, you must post consistently and follow the online trends. Maintaining a high standard of video and sound quality is also great. 

Maintaining a high level of engagement will also be favorable in the eyes of the TikTok algorithm

How do I get my TikToks noticed?

You can increase the visibility of your TikTok by including hashtags. These small keywords can help new creators discover you when they look up content on TikTok. Using trending audio clips can also help new creators notice you.

How do people get so popular on TikTok?

Some TikTok creators gain fame because of a random viral moment. Sometimes, they can maintain the initial burst of attention. Others gradually build their platform by posting consistently good content. 

They also engage with their followers when they post content and go live on the platform.

A man takes photos of the mountains in the distance.

High Social Is the Popular Choice

Do you want to expand your online following? Of course, you don’t just want random followers. You want great followers that engage in your content. We know how to help you find the sweet spot between popularity and quality followers. We’ve done it for many content creators before you.

You’ve been asking about how to get popular on TikTok. Well, the answer is staring you right in the face. High Social utilizes sophisticated AI technology to secure high-quality followers for its clients. 
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TikTok Growth