Buy TikTok Shares and Likes To Boost Your Profile

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Carolyn Howell

Last Updated: Sep 23, 2024

TikTok Growth

Want More Real Tiktok Followers?

Everyone likes to see many shares and likes on their posts. After all, they did work hard on them. Some want it so badly that they will buy TikTok shares and likes. 

Is it a sustainable way to go about generating engagement? Why do people want to buy these numbers anyway? We can address everything in this article. Engagement is king on social media platforms. 

Every content creator will consider this prospect at some point. They should educate themselves on the pros and cons of this activity. This article will have all the information you need. 

Read on for more details on buying likes and shares for your TikTok profile!

A woman holds a phone with a coral case.

Benefits of Buying Shares and Likes on TikTok

The numbers matter. People aren’t trying to increase shares and likes on TikTok because they want to brag about it. There are good reasons for wanting more shares and likes on your content. Let’s talk about two popular reasons people try to buy engagement.

Social Proof

Have you heard of the phenomenon called social proof? It is ascribing credibility or value to something because other people did. You might think that you don’t do this. You are your person, and you make your own decisions without the influence of others. 

The truth is that you use social proof in your everyday life. You look at reviews online before you buy a product. Before you watch a video, look at the view count. The number of views would suggest that the video is particularly good. That level of assessment applies to the shares and likes as well.

Viewers are likely to watch a video with many shares and likes. A video worth sharing has to be good, right? If many people like a video, you may watch it to see what they like. 

At first, the engagement might be from fake accounts. However, it could encourage active users to give organic shares and likes. That is why people look into buying engagement.

Two sit at a table typing on their devices.

Financial Benefits

TikTok is a great place for people to subsidize their income. Your favorite influencers aren’t making videos just because they like it. These videos are paying their bills and then some. They don’t just get money from the views on their videos. Some of them enter lucrative partnerships with well-known brands. 

How do they entice these brands to give them money? They have to have a high engagement rate on their page. This best indicates that influencers can get their followers to buy products. 

Having many followers is not enough. They have to prove that followers care about what they post. These followers show interest through engagement through likes, shares, comments, and views. 

Influencers need to show brands that they get shares and likes. Some brands may not know that these interactions don’t come from real accounts. Some of them don’t mind fabricating it by buying these interactions.

A woman smiles on the couch while she holds her phone.

3 Risks Associated With Purchasing Shares and Likes on TikTok

TikTok doesn’t sell engagement. You would have to acquire shares and likes from third-party websites. That should be enough of a red flag for you. Let’s talk about three risks associated with buying TikTok shares and likes.

1. Compromising Your Account

Some third-party websites will ask you for some information. They may need your login details to supply you with engagement from active accounts. Soon after doing this, some accounts noticed they couldn’t log into their TikTok account. Or they noticed suspicious activity. 

Hacking is very normal when you seek help from third parties. You might pay a website to send you engagement only to lose your account completely. You have to calculate the risk. If you lose everything, you’ll have to start from scratch.

A woman with a hijab takes a selfie.

2. Ruining Your Engagement Rate

These accounts won’t tell you that you aren’t helping you reach a larger audience. You will assume that this engagement comes from a wide range of real accounts. 

The truth is that most of these accounts are fake. That is why it costs so little for you to get them to like and share your content. TikTok has the power to remove them from the platform. When they disappear, their engagement goes with them. 

Don’t think of running to customer service on these websites to get your engagement back. They might be particularly silent after swiping debit cards. 

Now, you’re back to square one with a weak engagement rate. Additionally, TikTok may take notice of this activity. It may shadowban your account as a way to punish you. It will be hard to regain your footing on TikTok after this happens. Your target audience will be even more out of reach now.

3. Jeopardizing Your Reputation

Perhaps the weirdest part of buying likes and shares is that people can tell. They will watch your high-quality videos and notice that you have very few comments. Few comments and a lot of shares and likes don’t match. 

The real TikTok users may judge you for falsifying engagement. It may turn them off altogether from engaging with your content. TikTok users like the authenticity that the platform claims to have. Fake engagement flies in the face of this authenticity.

A person launches TikTok on their cell phone.

4 Alternative Strategies for Genuine Engagement and Growth on TikTok

Buying engagement is not the only way to grow on TikTok. It is a platform that allows for exponential growth without spending money. 

You just need to start some good habits and stick to them. With some tweaks to your content strategy, you can find your target audience.

Incorporate these four tips and watch your platform grow:

1. Be Consistent

Do you think you post too much on TikTok? Well, you might not be posting enough. The TikTok algorithm can manage several videos per day. You may give yourself a better chance of growth when you post more. 

Remember that there are hundreds of millions of accounts on the platform. All it takes is one swipe to leave your video and go to the next one. You need to increase your chances of them seeing another video of yours. You can only do this by uploading more videos. 

Each video allows you to get engagement. TikTok will notice all the extra engagement your page receives. In return, it will share your videos with more people. If many people engage with your content, TikTik thinks you must have something entertaining on your page.

We understand that uploading so many videos might be difficult. Well, you can repurpose video clips with different audio clips. You can also reply to a comment with a video. Sometimes, a comment response goes viral, not the original video.

2. Follow the Trends 

TikTok is the birthplace. There are so many Internet trends. If creatives want extra visibility, they have to hop on a trend. These TikTok trends can come in many forms. 

They could be TikTok challenges. There are challenges for every niche area. Makeup artists, family channels, and dance influencers all have challenges they can try. They upload to the platform, hoping to appear in a search result.

There are also trending audio clips. Think of that sound that you hear all the time on TikTok. It could be a song or clip from a TV show. TikTok is likely promoting that sound and all the videos that use it. It would be a good idea to make a submission using this sound.

A woman with an afro takes a photo of herself.

3. Use Hashtags

TikTok hashtags are still a great way for people to find you and for users to find content incorporating certain keywords. The trick is learning the correct hashtag formula. 

You can’t just use popular ones and hope your video becomes popular. You have to mix them in with niche hashtags as well. This increases the chances of more people finding your content online. Hopefully, these users will like and share your videos organically.

Hashtags are great because some users may not know your name. However, they know how to describe the content they would like to find. They are essentially descriptors for your online.

4. Maintain Engagement

You’re considering buying engagement. Well, what are you doing with the engagement you currently receive? Do you ignore the few comments that you get on your page? Do you think some comments are too insignificant for you to acknowledge? Well, that’s why your page isn’t growing. 

You have to value the tiny acts of engagement that you get now. TikTok will notice that your content gets extra comments from you. This increases the chances of them sharing it with real users. Hopefully, these users will come to your page with real conversations.

You won’t have to buy TikTok share account when you can manipulate shares yourself. These tips will help to generate that kind of attention for your page. The best part is that all of these are free of cost. You won’t have to visit a third-party website to execute these activities. You simply have to adjust how you use TikTok.

A person taps on the TikTok app.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buying Shares and Likes on TikTok

Many users online are thinking about buying shares and likes on TikTok. They want to grow their platforms. They wonder if this is a viable option. If you are one of those users, you may have some questions. Check out these questions and read the answers that we’ve put together.

Do you get paid for likes and shares on TikTok?

Depending on your region, you can earn from the views on your videos. TikTok does not explicitly pay you for the likes and shares on your account. 

However, videos with more engagement will get greater visibility on TikTok. If you can increase video views, you can increase the amount TikTok pays you. 

How do you get 1K likes on TikTok?

You can get 1000 likes on your TikTok videos by creating good TikTok captions that encourage engagement for the video. You can add relevant hashtags to increase the visibility as well. These tricks increase the likelihood of a viewer seeing it and liking it.

Can you buy TikTok views and likes?

Yes, third-party websites sell views and likes to content creators who need engagement. They typically sell them in packages by the hundreds, and websites have different budget options for all sizes.

A person holds a cell phone.

You Don’t Have To Buy TikTok Shares and Likes

You want to grow your TikTok page and reach a wider audience that likes what you share with the world. These are great aspirations for a content creator. Unfortunately, you will need more help than a random website.

You should use High Social’s growth services. We can help you expand your following substantially, and you won’t have to worry about getting attention from a community of Instagram users.

You could buy TikTok shares and likes. Or, you can entrust us with your dreams. We think you should sign up with High Social today!

TikTok Growth