Buy Instant TikTok Followers for Your Online Brand

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Carolyn Howell

Last Updated: Aug 06, 2024

TikTok Growth

Want More Real Tiktok Followers?

Let’s touch on a topic some may find taboo. Ironically, it’s a very popular practice on social media. Content creators who can’t wait to grow a following have a great option. They can buy instant TikTok followers.

Of course, TikTok doesn’t sell these followers. Creators may have to go to a dark internet alley to acquire these followers. But is it worth it? We plan to give you all the information you need on this topic.

Let’s unpack everything concerning instantly purchasing real followers. Read this article to find out more!

A man grins as he looks at his cell phone.

Why Creators Buy TikTok Followers Instantly 

Content creators want to grow on TikTok. It’s part of the journey on the platform. But why do they care about numbers so much? Is it just bragging rights? Do they want to show off to strangers while they wait for coffee?

Some influencers love to show off a huge following. Many of them know that big numbers come with certain benefits. These benefits are so beneficial that they may want to buy TikTok followers instantly.

After reading, you may want to improve your follower count as well. Here are two benefits to growing a healthy TikTok following:

Financial Opportunities

It’s no secret that TikTok has become a lucrative place for content creators. These creators can earn based on the traction their content receives. It, therefore, makes sense to build a healthy following.

Brands will consider your TikTok page when you have a big following. Of course, this following has to be full of customers in their target audience. They use influencers like you to access customers. It is the new way of advertising. It is arguably more effective than just filming expensive commercials.

If you command larger audiences, you could secure brand deals. You could create content as your job. In a perfect world, this works out well. Content creation is something you would have already been doing as a hobby.

Social Proof

Having a high following is a great way to gain a higher following. Potential followers will look at your existing follower count. They will gauge your popularity with this number. It impacts whether they follow you as well. This is social proof.

Buying followers is an investment to some people. The initial investment could lead to real followers over time. This thought process leads many creators like yourself to buy followers.

A man in a white sweater scrolls on his phone with a smile.

4 Reasons Why Buying TikTok Followers Is a Bad Idea 

Growing your TikTok following may not happen quickly. There are growing pains associated with the hard way of doing things. So, we understand the appeal of buying followers instead.

Does this mean that it’s a good idea? Unfortunately, there are multiple drawbacks to taking this route to buy a following. Let’s dive into four of those drawbacks now.

1. You Won’t Receive Real Accounts

We know these websites say they will send you real followers. Their main selling point is the promise to give you access to the followers of your dreams. Unfortunately, this just isn’t so.

Some of these websites will offer packages of followers by the hundreds and thousands. Realistically, they can’t offer this many genuine followers for sale. These websites will likely send you shell accounts that are barely real.

Robots usually run some of these accounts. They exist simply for other users to manipulate them for their benefit. You expect real people to comment, like, and share your content. These actions are simply not the typical robot activity. 

You won’t get what you pay for. It should be especially suspicious when these followers come at such a cheap price.

2. It Affects Engagement Rates

The fact that these accounts are fake may not be a problem for you. You might just want the optics of having a high TikTok following. Of course, some benefits come with that.

However, those benefits start to decline when it comes to real numbers. You still need your followers to engage in the things that you post. Your engagement is a very powerful number. You should pay more attention to this number than your follower count.

You get your engagement rate when you divide your engagement by your number of followers. If you have more followers, this number will be smaller. The number will be bigger if you have more activity on your page. 

Think about what happens when you have a huge following with little activity. You set yourself up to have a low engagement rate. Your genuine followers and brands notice the lack of engagement. 

TikTok users like to talk about the platform. They will see a huge following and very few comments. Ultimately, they will gather that your followers are not engaging. It may be a red flag and the first sign that your following is full of fakes.

These fake followers could drastically affect your credibility on the platform. Some people may have only followed you because of the social proof your huge following provided. What will happen when they find out the following was fake?

Some brands collaborated with you because they thought you had a command of your target audience. The lack of engagement will show that your followers don’t care when you post. This is not a good sign for a brand that wants to benefit from your followers.

A man holding a phone looks into the distance pensively.

3. You Have To Buy Engagement To Match the Followers 

When you fake it, it’s hard to stop. You bought all your followers, but they are not engaging with your content. Your engagement rate is starting to feel it. What can you do? For some creators, the answer is to buy engagement as well.

Yes, you can also buy the engagement on your profile. This way, you can match your following to the activity on your page. Overall, your page should look less suspicious to the average TikTok user.

Still, some users go the extra mile. They click on profiles of people in the comments. They may notice that the profiles look fake. If they do this, you are still in the same position as you were before.

Buying engagement for your TikTok page is not the investment you had in mind, was it? You have found yourself selling out cash for followers and engagement. You could have spent that money on a good social media growth site.

Until that happens, you might be in a never-ending rabbit hole. You will be buying followers to maintain appearances. Then, you will buy likes to match the appearance of followers.

4. You Will Get On TikTok’s Bad Side

TikTok doesn’t condone this practice. It still reserves the power to remove fake accounts from the platform. It can do this and impact your brand. You may wake up one day and see that you are hemorrhaging followers.

It is not far-fetched to think that TikTok removes them from your following and the platform. This step is just the beginning of what TikTok can do. They can also punish your account with a TikTok shadowban.

A shadowban is when TikTok limits the reach of your account without letting you know. Sometimes, TikTok will inform your account of any infractions you may commit. With a shadowban, you never know for sure. You just notice that your posts don’t get the reach they usually get. 

Suddenly, you are no longer on the For You Page (also known as the For You Feed) anymore. A lack of visibility on this page will stop you from reaching new followers. 

Also, the usual people who comment are usually nowhere on your page. It can take a long time to recover from this. You must compensate for lost ground when the ban is no longer extant.

Slowly, you see you don’t benefit much from buying these followers. Arguably, it may have been better to do it the hard way.

A woman sits on a rug while using her phone in a dimly lit room.

Where To Buy TikTok Followers Instant: 2 Popular Websites

These internet growth sites may not be the best route to grow a page. Still, they are an option for small creators looking to make an impact. Proceed at your own risk. Here are two options for you to consider.

1. Twicsy

Twicsy doesn’t care about personal details like your password. It just wants to give you followers quickly. You can choose from various packages, but the promise of quick delivery is the same. According to them, you should get your new followers and minutes.

2. Buzzoid

Buzzoid offers a range of services. You can buy followers and the engagement to go with it. Do you want to know where to buy TikTok followers with instant delivery guaranteed? This platform could be right for you.

There are many other options. You just need to pay attention to the features they offer. Find the one that aligns the best with your brand’s needs.

Hopefully, each option has a robust customer support team. You may have to contact them if they don’t deliver the followers as quickly as promised. It shouldn’t come to that, but we have to be safe.

A man grins at his phone screen while he sits on a couch.

3 Things To Look for When Buying Followers

You know that buying followers is not your only option. But if it’s an option you choose, we prefer you do it safely. Here are three tips when buying followers online.

1. Check Reviews

Buying followers is quite a popular practice. Many content creators have tried their luck before you. Some of them are gracious enough to leave reviews online. Before you try one of these third-party websites, look up reviews.

You can find out if these websites live up to their promises. Sometimes, customers find the service to be underwhelming. Other times, they are completely displeased with what they received. Imagine how much trouble you could save yourself by looking at reviews.

You won’t have TikTok to argue with these websites on your behalf. When you go to these websites for help, you are alone. It could be best to limit your risk by trusting anonymous reviews online.

Visit Reddit, for example. People tend to be very honest on that website. They even describe their experiences in full detail. It could be a great opportunity for you to get some information.

2. Look for Secure Payment Methods

The last thing you want to do is fall for an internet scam. We always think we are smarter than falling for these tricks. You should aim to find sites that don’t require login information.

In addition to this measure, look at the payment methods. Knowing you can get a refund, if necessary, would be ideal. If you can use a credit card, you can file a dispute afterward.

The option to use PayPal could also add some extra assurance at checkout.

3. Note the Quality of Followers

Sometimes, these websites categorize their followers. They may offer high-quality followers or premium followers. They will describe them as two different classes of followers. Ensure you pay for the type of followers you think you will get.

This does not ensure that the website will deliver these followers to you. Online reviews will tell you that sometimes these websites give a different product. 

Of course, this is still subject to TikTok’s discretion. Even more expensive followers could disappear if TikTok decides to take them away.

A man scrolls on his phone happily.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buying TikTok Followers

Growing a platform on TikTok will always be a live conversation. Some people have genuine questions about this industry. Here are answers to some popular questions:

How do I buy followers on TikTok instantly?

You can buy TikTok followers instantly by going to a website that sells them. Focus on the growth sites that offer instant delivery of these followers.

A few websites that sell followers include Buzzoid or Twicsy. You can buy these followers by the package. They may send the followers incrementally but promise delivery in a reasonable time.

How can I get 1000 followers on TikTok fast?

To quickly gain 1000 followers, here are some things you could do:

1. Engage in professional growth services from a site like High Social.
2. Participate in challenges on TikTok.
3. Use trending audio clips for your videos.
4. Post on TikTok consistently. 

Will TikTok ban you for buying followers? 

when signing up for TikTok. The platform reserves the right to take action against you if you violate these terms. This could result in sanctions, which include a ban.

Instead, TikTok promotes growing Instagram followings using organic methods. Your organic growth strategy could include engaging with your audience and uploading consistently. You can also collaborate with other content creators or stitch existing videos on the platform.

A black woman types on her cell phone.

You Won’t Have To Buy Instant TikTok Followers When You Have Us 

We see that you have big goals for your page. You’re considering buying followers because you want to increase your numbers. It’s great to be ambitious about your online brand. Because of that, we want to help you.

High Social is just the resource you need. We want to help you get the followers you dream of. Yes, the kind of followers that comment on your videos. They have conversations with the other commenters. Not only do they like the video, but they save it. They even share it with other people.

Those organic followers are within your reach. You simply have to use us as your stepping stool. We will bring you closer to your high-quality TikTok followers. The best part is that you don’t have to buy instant TikTok followers.

Our growth tactics seek to secure long-term results for your brand. Our advanced AI technology makes sure of that. It has helped many clients before you. We know it can help your brand as well. 

Are you ready to finally meet your new followers? Sign up with High Social today!

TikTok Growth