How To Get a Lot of Views on TikTok for Your Videos 

Profile photo ofCarolyn Howell, author

Carolyn Howell

Last Updated: Sep 27, 2024

TikTok Tips

Want More Real Tiktok Followers?

TikTok is not just a place to go and spend hours scrolling forever. It’s a place for content creators to unleash their full potential. Many of them are now asking how to get a lot of views on TikTok. It’s not just a hobby. It’s a platform that could provide great financial opportunities. Increasing video views is one way to get there.

Like most things, using TikTok involves a learning curve. Securing these views involves more than just creating high-quality videos. You have to be very deliberate about the type of content you share.

Fortunately, your social media gurus at High Social have TikTok down to a science. You won’t have to play the guessing game with us. We can ensure that your quality content reaches the masses. Soon, the videos will come to you with ease. Read this article to find out how to maximize your video views!

A propped-up cell phone shows a TikTok live stream in progress.

How To Get a Lot of Views on TikTok Live Stream Tips

Hosting a live stream is a bold move for a content creator. They don’t have pre-recorded clips to hide behind. They don’t get to take back the things they say. Bold viewers can ask questions knowing the content creator reads them. 

It could be a hot mess and could be very entertaining. You are willing to take the risk of hosting such a stream. However, you need to make it count with your viewership. Here’s how to get a lot of views on TikTok Live.

1. Advertise Your Live Stream

People don’t join because they don’t know it’s happening. If they know your live stream exists, they may tune in. More views could come after better advertising on your part. Yes, sometimes you see a random, interesting live event. That doesn’t mean your video will also be that lucky.

You can use your TikTok videos to advertise your next live stream. A short video teasing viewers that something amazing will happen could attract them. Additionally, you could use your Story feature to bring viewers to your platform.

You don’t have to limit yourself to just TikTok. Do you have a following on other social media platforms? Advertise on those platforms as well. Your Instagram viewers want to see what you like on TikTok. YouTube subscribers may also hop to another app to see you in action.

Some people will stumble upon your livestream by chance. You can’t just count on them to attend. Be intentional about inviting people to your live stream.

A tall man with glasses scrolls on his cell phone.

2. Go Live at the Best Times

Going live when your followers aren’t active on TikTok is a waste. They will see the TikTok notification and look away. You don’t want to waste all your best content and entertainment when your followers take a break from TikTok. 

Fortunately, there is a way to know the best time to post on TikTok. Your TikTok Analytics tells you when most of your followers are online. When you get this information, you can set time aside in your schedule for it. This increases the chances of your existing followers joining your livestream.

These followers may not stick around, but at least the initial popularity could get the attention of the TikTok algorithm. 

Your live stream event may attract other viewers. They may like what you have to offer and engage. Maybe they will even follow your page and attend your next live event.

A man uses his cell phone to record a close-up shot of a plant.

3. Make Your Live Streams Engaging

Don’t underestimate the short attention spans on TikTok. Some people may find it hard to stick around and watch one video for an extended period. For this reason, you should make your live streams as engaging as possible. 

Don’t avoid activities until many people join the livestream. If people come on time, they should be rewarded for that. You shouldn’t punish them by waiting until you have more viewers. Give them a treat and show that you appreciate them. 

Then, when more people join, tease that they missed something great at the beginning of the livestream. This tactic will encourage them to be early next time and keep you from losing followers throughout the live stream.

Make the video as interactive as possible. Let your viewers ask you questions. When they ask questions, ask questions in return. This is how the conversation flows naturally. 

Other viewers won’t be comfortable just spectating a conversation. They may join in as well. 

The extra discussion on the video could get the attention of the TikTok algorithm. Soon, you could be on someone’s For You Page (also called the For You Feed.)

A woman clicks the record button on her cell phone mounted in front of a ring light.

How To Get a Lot of Views on TikTok Hack Tips That Will Secure You Extra Views

Some videos don’t have views because they’re necessarily better than others. It’s just that the creator incorporated some very crafty methods to get these views. Even your favorite content creator engages in these tactics on occasion. No one is above a little creative manipulation.

If you want to know how to get a lot of views on TikTok, hacks like these will help. Keep reading to find out our best ones.

1. Use Videos That Loop

Many viewers don’t watch videos multiple times on purpose. They may not even know that the video has racked up several views from them. The type of video they watch explains this.

Some videos don’t have a distinct beginning or ending. They seem to flow seamlessly from start to finish. Before you realize the video ended, it starts again. These videos that run on a loop are the best to attract views.

These videos could be clips of waves crashing against the shoreline. They could be videos of trees rustling in the wind. It could be a video of you spinning. Many types of videos could accompany a loop. While the viewer awaits the video’s end, that end never comes.

These video clips typically come with text on the screen. The viewer reads this text while the video plays multiple times. The caption takes longer to read than the video takes to play. 

TikTok recognizes these replays. It doesn’t matter that the video was nothing more than a loop of the same clip. It sets the stage for the video to go viral.

A woman looks at her phone screen and holds a cup of coffee.

2. Use Shorter Videos

Sometimes, people don’t finish your videos. It’s not that the videos are boring. It’s just that they don’t have the time. Is it possible to condense your information into a short video? If it is, you should try to do that. 

Cropping your videos gives you a higher chance of someone finishing the videos. If they finish the video, you will have the opportunity for him to start again.

Perhaps you do have a lot of information to share. Consider breaking down one big video into several small ones. You could have a multiple-part series on your channel. 

They may want to finish the entire series if they like the first video. You have secured more views for more videos. You can put these videos in a TikTok playlist. 

When you click on a playlist, the videos play automatically. They will not have to choose the next video in the playlist manually. If your content is engaging enough, you will get more views on more videos.

3. Encourage Comments 

This tip will help you secure views during your videos. If your viewers comment, the video will continue playing in the background. The same applies when you reply to an existing comment.

TikTok does not automatically pause the video while someone scrolls or writes in the comments. You just need to get your viewers to scroll and type. This way, you inadvertently secure more views for your video. 

This article will discuss how you use your captions to do this.

A man brings a red cup to the lens of his cell phone as it records him.

3 Caption Tips That Increase Video Views

We hope you don’t just post your videos and go. Yes, you might be talking a lot in the video. That doesn’t mean that you should leave your caption blank. 

You might not think you have anything else to say. If you have not encouraged your followers to watch your video more than once, you have more to say.

You must take every opportunity to boost your followers to respond to your video. You could do this by encouraging engagement. Or, you could promote additional views. Let’s talk about using captions to increase your video views.

1. Talk About the End of the Video

This tip will make your completion rate shoot through the roof. TikTok influencers do this trick by mentioning something happening at the end of the video. 

Maybe something iconic did happen. Or, maybe nothing happened at all. The point is that they won’t be worse to make it to the end.

One method is by making a list. They could do a countdown for something. The item that made the top of the list would be at the end. The body of the video would be to build anticipation and interest in what topped the list. Here are some ideas for countdowns on TikTok:

  1. “Top three reasons I would never …”
  2. “Top four places to visit in ….”
  3. “My favorite character is from Game of Thrones in ascending order.”
  4. “Meanest celebrities I’ve ever met.”

It is especially great if the item at the top of your list is unique. Viewers will find it so surprising that they might feel compelled to comment. While they comment, the video plays again.

A propped-up camera records someone's breakfast by a window.

2. Use Easter Eggs

We addressed the end of the video. Now, let’s talk about the middle of the video. One content strategy is to encourage viewers to find something in a video. When they find it, they must leave a comment stating so. 

The viewers who don’t find the surprise item will feel left out. This feeling should lead them to watch the video again. They may have to watch it again until they find what everyone is discussing.

You need a really good caption to encourage people to do this. Here are a few examples of captions that bait people into watching videos multiple times:

  1. “Comment below when you find it.”
  2. “Did anyone else see that?”
  3. “When you see it, you will gag.”
  4. “If you blink, you’ll miss it.”

3. Include a Call to Action

This expression is simply a statement asking viewers to do something. It’s typical for TikTok creators to ask viewers to leave a comment. They just need a creative way to make this request. 

They could create a video where they ask for advice. They might give their followers multiple options to choose from. It could be an outfit, restaurant, or general advice. People like to give their opinions without prompt, anyway. They will share their views if you ask them.

You don’t have to share too much of your personal life. You could ask for advice on something innocent. The point is to get your engagement rate going. 

Their responses could be simple one-word answers. Or, they could require a bit more details. It would be great if the responses encouraged their engagement. The viewers could start their conversations by voicing their opinions.

These tips will bring you closer to your next viral video. In fact, with increased engagement rates within your target audience, you will ultimately improve your following.

A woman records her friend performing dance choreography.

Frequently Asked Questions About Getting More TikTok Views

Content creators everywhere want more video views. They create amazing original content with great sound quality. It’s only fair that they attract more viewers. They have many questions about the topic. If you have similar questions, hopefully, we’ve answered them here.

Why am I only getting 200 views on my TikTok?

There are several potential reasons why your TikTok videos only get 200 views. Perhaps TikTok is not promoting your content to new viewers. Possibly, there is a shadowban on your account. 

When this happens, TikTok reduces how many people it shares your content to. It doesn’t feature you on the FYP. Some regular followers may not see your videos either.

Your video views may also be low because you don’t engage in trending topics or sounds. These actions are essential to growing on social media.

How do people get so many TikTok views?

There are many reasons people may get so many TikTok views. Perhaps they could hook viewers within the first few seconds of the video. Maybe the video provokes conversation. A very active comment section could attract more engagement to a page in the form of views. 

Some creators also attract views using trending sounds or capitalizing on TikTok challenges. Viewers may have an interest in the sound or the topic in the video.

How do I increase TikTok views?

You can increase the views on your TikTok videos by doing several things. Here are some suggestions:

1. Incorporate hashtags into the captions of your posts.
2. Use trending audio clips.
3. Stitch videos talking about viral topics.
4. Experiment with shorter videos that people can easily replay. 
5. Posting consistently on TikTok.
6. Hosting a live stream, if possible.

It’s best to stay on TikTok’s good side and avoid getting strikes against your account. If they want to punish your account, it could significantly thwart the number of views you can get.

How do I get more views on a TikTok video I posted?

To get more views on a TikTok you posted, you could promote it in your Story. You could also cross-promote on your other social media platforms. 

It could be worthwhile to respond to the comments that you received. If you keep the conversation going, you could trigger the TikTok algorithm. The added engagement may promote your content to more users.

A cell phone mounted in front of a ring light.

We Can Bring the Followers That Come With Views

Can you believe that it takes more than quality content to increase the views on your page? TikTok demands more than just sharp videos with smooth transitions. Mastering the algorithm is a full-time job. Do you think you can do it without the help of a professional?

We aren’t talking about a social media marketing guru. We’re talking about a social media growth expert. We mean the kind with a powerful tool to help bring more followers to your page.

High Social is just the place to be if you need these services. Boosting your online following is going to take our powerful AI targeting algorithm. It will be your secret weapon for attracting your target audience.
You won’t have to settle for just regular followers. We can get you the followers that bring a high engagement rate. Securing engaged followers is how to get a lot of views on TikTok. It’s time you reach your full potential. Growth is within reach. You just need to sign up with High Social today!

TikTok Tips