How To Remove Watermark From TikTok: Easily Erase Watermarks
TikTok’s awesome video editing tools are among the many reasons for the platform’s impressive growth. Creating TikToks is fun and easy, and the final products are phenomenal — more often than not! It’s no wonder that lots of people use TikTok to create and edit short clips for purposes other than TikTok. However, TikTok watermarks its videos. Do you want to know how to remove watermark from TikTok? Here’s your ultimate guide to quick and easy solutions to erase watermarks!

How To Remove Watermark From TikTok Video: Why Is It Even There?
Why do you need to know how to remove the watermark from a TikTok video or photo? When you download a video from TikTok, it includes a TikTok watermark and the creator’s username. So why is it even there?
The TikTok watermark is there for attribution purposes. TikTok superimposes a watermark over any video created or edited using TikTok to indicate that the media is from TikTok. The watermark shows the TikTok logo and the username of the TikTok creator who shared the video. When you save a TikTok video to repost it somewhere else, the watermark informs people where it came from.
The watermark moves from the left side to the right of the screen. While TikTok has minimized its size, its presence can still be a nuisance. It might obscure an element in the video or become a distraction. It might “blemish” an otherwise flawless portrait.
Keep in mind that removing the TikTok watermark is not an issue if it’s from a video you created. However, saving another person’s video and reusing it without proper attribution may be considered an intellectual property infringement. At the very least, it’s discourteous and dishonest.
How To Remove Watermark From TikTok for Free
Learning how to remove watermark from TikTok should only be applied to your own TikTok videos. When resharing another person’s content, it’s best to leave the TikTok watermark to give the original creator proper attribution. If you must get rid of the watermark, always give credit to the original creator in your caption.
There are tons of apps out there that offer to remove watermarks from videos and photos. Of course, the best ones typically require a paid subscription. You can find some apps that offer a free trial. Others promise watermark-free finished products at no cost at all forever! But remember the saying, “You get what you pay for,” or, in this case, what you don’t pay for.
If you want to know how to remove watermark from TikTok for free, you should be wary of free services. Some of them deliver as promised but come with tons of ads, while others are outright scams.
Here are a few quick solutions to help you eliminate the TikTok watermark.

How To Remove Watermark From TikTok by Cropping
One option for how to remove watermark from TikTok is by cropping the video. Depending on your device, you can use your phone’s built-in editing app to crop out the watermark. You can also try a third-party editing tool. Whatever editing tool you use, the process of cropping a video is usually the same.
- To download your TikTok video, tap the share icon, then tap the Save Video option.
- Exit TikTok and find the saved video in your camera roll. Tap Edit and select the crop option.
- Alternatively, you can use a video editing app on your phone to open and crop the TikTok video.
- Crop out the TikTok watermark by dragging the border/s of your video inward. Keep in mind that the TikTok watermark bounces around. Make sure you crop the left and right sides to leave the watermark out completely.
- If aspect ratio options are available, choose 16:9 to maintain video quality. Square or 3:2 also works fine.
- Save your cropped and watermark-free video.
Take note that you may lose some elements when you crop your video. This shouldn’t be a problem if these elements are not important. Cropping may also alter the aspect ratio and, therefore, the video quality. As much as possible, try to maintain the right video dimensions for TikTok when cropping. Even if you’re reposting the cropped video to another platform, preserving the original TikTok dimensions will help retain video quality.
How To Remove Watermark From TikTok by Adding a Border
Another quick fix for how to remove watermark from TikTok is by adding a border to your video. Your phone’s native editing tool may give you the option to add a border or frame to your video.
Most border/frame tools also offer the option to adjust the width of the border/frame. You may also have many different designs to choose from. However, framing your video may affect its quality and aesthetic. But adding a border is a quick and effective way to cover up the TikTok watermark.
How To Remove Watermark in TikTok Photo With a Blurring Tool
Using a blurring tool as a solution for how to remove watermark in a TikTok photo is pretty straightforward. If your phone’s built-in editing program doesn’t have the blur tool, you can use any popular TikTok editing app. The basic steps involved are as follows:
- Open the TikTok video using your preferred editing app.
- Find the blur tool.
- Apply the blur tool over the TikTok watermark as many times as necessary until it becomes indistinguishable. Remember to blur the watermark again when it appears in a different area of the photo.
The disadvantage of using this option is that you may end up with multiple blurred sections around your photo. Because the TikTok watermark is small, the blurred sections may not be too noticeable depending on the background. This option is ideal for photos/videos with a solid color in the background where the TikTok watermark appears.
Here’s a bonus tip when using the blur tool for how to remove watermark from TikTok. If you can zoom in on the watermark, enlarge the section you need to blur. This way, you can blur the edges more smoothly. The blurred effect will also blend better with the background when you zoom back out to the original size.

How To Remove the TikTok Watermark on CapCut
If you’re an avid TikTok creator, you’ll be familiar with CapCut. CapCut is an official third-party TikTok video editor. There are a few options you can try for how to remove the TikTok watermark on CapCut. Let’s dive right in!
- Open CapCut, then tap New Project.
- Select the video you saved from TikTok. Tap the Add button at the bottom to start editing.
How to crop out the TikTok watermark:
- Tap the Edit tool at the bottom.
- Swipe left and select Edit, then select Crop.
- Choose the 9:16 aspect ratio, then drag the corners/sides of the frame to crop out the TikTok watermark. Use the video slider to fast-forward. Make sure to crop out the watermark when it bounces to another area in the video.
- Tap the checkmark in the lower left corner when to save your work.
How to hide the TikTok Watermark With an Overlay:
- Select Overlay from the navigation bar at the bottom.
- Tap Add overlay.
- Select an image to use as an overlay, then tap Add. Choose an image that perfectly matches the background color of the watermark.
- Use two fingers to pinch over the image and make it small enough to cover the TikTok watermark.
- Repeat the steps above to cover the watermark when it appears in another area of the video.
Take note that this option only works if the area around the TikTok watermark is a solid color.
How to remove the watermark from TikTok with stickers:
- Swipe left on the navigation bar and select Stickers.
- Find a sticker that will fit naturally into your video and completely cover the watermark.
- Use the same sticker or choose another one for the second watermark that appears in another area of your video.
- Tap the checkmark when you finish editing.
How To Remove TikTok Watermark From Private Video
You’ll need a third-party tool to know how to remove the TikTok watermark from a private video. It bears repeating that you should not use another person’s video without their permission and proper attribution. The easiest way to do away with the TikTok watermark is to ask the creator for the original video. If they didn’t use TikTok to create the video, then the original won’t have the watermark.
You also need to inform the creator that you want to get rid of the TikTok watermark and why. If you’re using a third-party editing tool to download the video sans the watermark, their username will no longer appear. If the creator gives you the go-ahead, assure them that you’ll credit them when you repost their content. If possible, tag the creator when sharing their content on other social media channels.
Most third-party watermark remover apps work the same way:
- Find the TikTok video you want to download.
- Tap the Share button.
- Select Copy Link.
- Open the third-party video editor you want to use.
- Paste the link into the import box.
- Tap the Download button.
- The app will download the video without a watermark.
Do you prefer using TikTok to create videos that you also want to share on IG or your YouTube channel? If your answer is yes, then paying for a video editor subscription may be worth it. You won’t have to worry about knowing how to remove watermark from TikTok. Having the ability to download any TikTok video with no watermark makes a subscription video eraser a worthwhile investment.
How To Remove Watermark From TikTok: Create Videos Outside TikTok
The obvious solution to how remove watermark from TikTok is to create your videos outside the app. Yes, we know. TikTok’s editing functions are amazing. But if you want to avoid the hassle of obfuscating or erasing the TikTok watermark, you have to leave TikTok.
Fortunately, you can choose from a number of mobile video apps that are just as good as TikTok. Find an app that meets all your video creation and editing needs. This is especially advantageous if you plan to use the same video on multiple social channels. The following apps are worth a try:
- CapCut. As the platform’s official third-party video editor, CapCut shares most of the functionalities of TikTok. You can even link your CapCut app to your TikTok account to make sharing and importing videos easier.
- Instagram Reels. For now, Instagram Reels lets you save a reel after editing and before posting it. This means you can download your video with all the fancy effects and filters but without the Reels watermark.
- Facebook Story. Try the Facebook Story camera if you’re creating a clip that’s 20 seconds long or shorter. It also lets you save the clip before posting it. The editing tools are limited compared to TikTok’s, but it’s a reliable app for creating no-fuss videos.

Create Relevant and High-Quality TikToks To Connect With the Right Audience
Knowing how to remove watermark from TikTok is helpful when you have a presence on other sites. TikTok offers a wide array of tools and effects for creating professional-looking clips. So your TikTok videos are perfect for resharing on other social media platforms to help you promote your brand.
You can simply use TikTok’s share function to immediately repost your video on Facebook, IG, WhatsApp, email, etc. Having the watermark is usually not a problem. It may even be advantageous if you want to let people know that you’re on TikTok. But if you want a completely clean video, there are easy ways to get rid of the TikTok logo watermark.
Thanks to TikTok’s nifty editing tools, you can produce high-quality videos with just a few clicks. You don’t need the help of a professional videographer or to purchase expensive equipment to promote your brand on TikTok. All you need is a good video concept, a strong voice, and knowledge of what your target audience wants. And you can create TikToks that are relevant to your community’s interests and optimized for #ForYou recommendations. With targeted content, you can rest assured that you’ll gain a loyal following on TikTok.
Landing on the For You feeds of interested viewers is crucial to TikTok growth. You can help the process along by leveraging another audience-targeting AI tool. Team up with High Social to get the audience-targeting advantage of their advanced, proprietary AI technology. High Social’s expertise in TikTok growth management is an invaluable asset to creators and businesses on the platform.
Learn how to remove watermark from TikTok to help you build your presence everywhere else online. And sign up for one of High Social’s monthly plans for sustained growth on TikTok. Start growing your TikTok today!
TikTok 101