Why Does My TikTok Have 0 Views? All Possible Answers
Whether you’re new on TikTok or already a seasoned creator, it’s normal to experience fluctuating viewership. However, there are unique instances when your post’s visibility may seem dismally low. If you’re asking, “Why does my TikTok have 0 views?” the issue is definitely worth a deeper look.
Keep reading to explore all the possible reasons!

Why Does My TikTok Have 0 Views After an Hour?
Why does my TikTok have 0 views after an hour? Zero viewership after an hour may point to either a content problem or a TikTok problem.
If your posts typically receive immediate views within an hour of posting, it’s natural to wonder, “Why do my TikToks have 0 views?” The first thing you should check is if TikTok is experiencing downtime. Go online, open your preferred search engine, and ask, “Is TikTok down right now?”
If TikTok is down, there may be a delay in the content review process, or post visibility on feeds may be affected.
If TikTok is not down, you can check out other creators in your niche/industry. More specifically, look for posts published around the same time as yours. If their posts received views, then the problem may be with your content. And there are several reasons why your video viewership is zilch.
Let’s take a look at each one.
Why Is My TikTok Not Getting Views? Flagged Hashtags or Keywords
Why is my TikTok not getting views? If a content issue is a likely cause, you may be using flagged hashtags or keywords in the post description.
Is your content about a hot topic in your niche community or all over social media? If your post uses hashtags/keywords that TikTok associates with sensitive content, it may simply be taking longer to review your post.
What you can do is do a TikTok search for the same hashtags/keywords to check how they’re performing. If your search shows you content with poor or zero viewership, then these hashtags/keywords are most likely flagged as inappropriate.
According to TikTok’s Community Guidelines on Accounts and Features:
“Content that is allowed on the platform but does not meet our recommendation eligibility may not appear as a top search result.”
How do you solve the problem? If you didn’t save the video to your device, do that first. Then, delete your post. Reupload your video content, but use different hashtags and keywords in your post description.

TikTok Views Not Updating: Spam Activity
Why are my TikToks getting 0 views? Another possible reason why your TikTok views are not updating is spam activity.
You may be engaging in spam activity without realizing it. The following behaviors may trigger TikTok’s spam alarms:
- Following too many accounts too quickly.
- Unfollowing accounts one after the other.
- Liking multiple posts too fast.
- Posting or reposting videos too fast in a single hour.
- A sudden and huge increase in your views, followers, or engagement.
Take note that any activity that looks automated, i.e., a bot performed it, will alert TikTok to possible spamming. If you did any of the above prior to posting your poorly performing video, TikTok may have flagged your account for spamming.
What can you do to resolve the problem? Slow down your TikTok activities. Wait at least a day before posting new content. If the new post reaches audiences and receives views, then you nailed the problem and solution.

Why Is TikTok Not Pushing My Videos? Content Is Ineligible for For You Feeds
Why is TikTok not pushing my videos? Are you experiencing 0 views on TikTok for multiple posts, i.e., your most recent posts? They may be ineligible for For You feeds (or FYF, also known as For You page or FYP).
According to TikTok’s FYP Eligibility Standards, certain types of content “may be fine if seen occasionally, but problematic if viewed in clusters.” These types of content may be eligible for the FYP, but TikTok interrupts repetitive patterns featuring them to limit viewers’ exposure.
If your post contains any of the following, it may be the reason why you’re getting zero views:
- Dieting
- Extreme fitness
- Sexual suggestiveness
- Hopelessness
- Overgeneralized mental health information, such as quizzes that claim to be diagnostic
When TikTok determines that your content is unsuitable for a broad audience, it will be ineligible for the FYP. “Ineligibility” means it will appear on your profile page but not on other people’s FYP, hence the zero viewership. It will also be harder to find via search.

Why Does My TikTok Have 0 Views? Shadowbanned Account or a Content Violation
Shadowbanning is not an official penalty on TikTok. However, TikTok does state that it may impose temporary restrictions on certain features or essential functions depending on an account’s violation/s. If you notice that your recent posts are not reaching your regular audience, it may be due to a shadowban.
When this happens, you may not receive a notification explaining the restriction, which means you also can’t appeal it. You can review the posts you shared immediately prior to the supposed shadowban. Check them against TikTok’s FYP Eligibility Standards (linked above) to see if you committed a violation.
The best thing you can do is wait it out. Keep posting high-quality video content as usual until things go back to normal for you.
If somebody reports your content or the algorithm identifies a violation of its Community Guidelines, TikTok either:
- Removes the content immediately or
- Makes the content ineligible for the FYP.
In this case, TikTok will send you a notification regarding the violation — which you can appeal.

What’s the Secret To Getting Tons of TikTok Views?
What’s the secret to getting tons of TikTok views? For most creators, the answer is proper optimization. It’s like the code that unlocks the algorithm so that it immediately connects your post to genuinely interested users.
If you’re asking, “Why does my TikTok have 0 views?” you should figure out immediately what the issue could be. Try all the fixes outlined above to get your regular viewership back. If you need expert help growing an engaged viewership and fan base, sign up for a High Social plan!
Putting your content in front of interested viewers is a surefire way to gain new followers and quality engagement. How do you achieve this every time you publish content?
It’s possible through High Social’s advanced, proprietary AI targeting technology. Instantly double your targeting capability and connect with audiences likely to become lifelong fans.
Start growing your TikTok today!
TikTok 101